
ClosureFast Radiofrequency Ablation

ClosureFast ablation is a minimally invasive, endovascular treatment technique for treating incompetent saphenous veins that cause symptomatic varicose veins.  The procedure utilizes a specially designed catheter introduced into the abnormal vein using ultrasound guidance, and once in position, uses thermal energy to cause the vein to seal.  This directs blood flow to the normal veins of the leg. At Precision Vein Care, this is performed in our procedure rooms right in the office, uses local anesthetic, and is typically completed in an hour.  Patients go home after the procedure and can expect very little discomfort and very little downtime from their activities.  Please watch the video from our colleagues at Medtronic and call today to see if ClosureFast is right for you.

Venaseal Ablation

Venaseal ablation is another minimally invasive, endovascular treatment available for treating incompetent saphenous veins that cause symptomatic varicose veins. Similar to other endovascular techniques, it also utilizes a catheter introduced into the saphenous vein using ultrasound guidance, and then deploys a surgical glue to seal off the abnormal vein.  This procedure is performed in our office procedure room and takes approximately one hour.  Patients can go home after the procedure and can expect very little discomfort and very little downtime from their activities. Please watch the video from our colleagues at Medtronic and call today to see if Venaseal is part of your vein treatment plan.

Varithena Ablation

Varithena ablation is an incredibly versatile endovascular treatment that allows a surgeon to treat a broad range of abnormal lower extremity veins.  It builds upon techniques of sclerotherapy, and utilizes a specially created non-compounded foam that is injected directly into target veins using ultrasound guidance, causing damage to the inner wall of the abnormal vein, and causing it to shut down.  Because it does not require a long catheter system to deliver the foam, it can be injected into a wider variety of abnormal veins, especially ones that are very tortuous.  The procedure itself is akin to a simple intravenous needle placement for a routine blood draw or medication administration.  As with other techniques offered at Precision Vein Care, there is little to no discomfort, no downtime, and rapid results.  It is an incredibly effective stand-alone procedure or used in conjunction with other vein treatments.  Please watch our video from our colleagues at Boston Scientific and see if Varithena is right for you. 


Microphlebectomy is a surgical procedure where a varicose vein is removed via a small surgical excision. It requires numbing the skin near the vein with local anesthetic, making a small ‘stab’ incision near the vein, and then extracting the vein with a special hook. Once removed, the skin is closed with a small nylon suture or if small enough, a simple sterile strip bandage. While more invasive than some other techniques, it is easily performed in the office, the discomfort managed well with over-the-counter pain medications, and recovery straightforward.

Cosmetic Sclerotherapy

Cosmetic sclerotherapy is a treatment used on spider, reticular, and small varicose veins. It involves using a very small needle to inject a special medication, called Pilodocanol, directly into the offending veins. The medication reacts with the inner wall of the targeted vein, damages it, and the vein then closes down and slowly is absorbed by the body over time. After several weeks to a few months, the visible veins fade and visual improvement is noted.

Ready to schedule an appointment?

Call Precision Vein Care at (267) 627-1500 to schedule your appointment today!

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